On the other hand, more things I like from Aram; his light installations which are very impressive. Since he started with his TV-Filter then he brought the same grid/pixel concept to other pieces such as PaierPixel, Random Screen and 0,16. (The final visual result from) All this works seem to be created using high technology, but like I said before they have been created following a very simple process, and tools, but behind of them there is a great idea and study of the light, structure and movement. Few weeks ago he presented at his solo exhibition at [DAM] Berlin his latest light installation called 3x3. This piece is made from common objects such as wooden board, sheet metal, arcylic glass, colored film, wire, bicycle wheel and candles which are the major part of this piece because light and movement are produced by them (candles).

The title of The Speed Book comes from other of the great projects by Aram Bartholl, The SPEED SHOW, an exhibition format which can take place in whatever Internet-cafe around the world. As Aram says "you only need to go to an Internet-cafe, rent all computers they have and run a show on them for one night. All art works of the participating artists need to be on-line (not necessarily public) and are shown in a typical browser with standard plug-ins. Performance and life pieces may also use pre-installed communication programs (instant messaging, VOIP, video chat etc). Custom software (except browser add-ons) or off-line files are not permitted.
Any creative physical modification to Internet cafe itself is not allowed. The show is public and takes place during normal opening hours of the Internet cafe/shop. All visitors are welcome to join the opening, enjoy the art (and to check their email.)"
Since Speed Show started in 2010 there have been around 30 different shows, you can check all of them here. Even Triangulation Blog with its piece Interactive Triangulation was part of one titled Awareness of Everything curated by Lindsay Howard.

The title of The Speed Book comes from other of the great projects by Aram Bartholl, The SPEED SHOW, an exhibition format which can take place in whatever Internet-cafe around the world. As Aram says "you only need to go to an Internet-cafe, rent all computers they have and run a show on them for one night. All art works of the participating artists need to be on-line (not necessarily public) and are shown in a typical browser with standard plug-ins. Performance and life pieces may also use pre-installed communication programs (instant messaging, VOIP, video chat etc). Custom software (except browser add-ons) or off-line files are not permitted.
Any creative physical modification to Internet cafe itself is not allowed. The show is public and takes place during normal opening hours of the Internet cafe/shop. All visitors are welcome to join the opening, enjoy the art (and to check their email.)"
Since Speed Show started in 2010 there have been around 30 different shows, you can check all of them here. Even Triangulation Blog with its piece Interactive Triangulation was part of one titled Awareness of Everything curated by Lindsay Howard.
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