Michael Morris
Work from Colour Research.
“Colour Research is an ongoing pursuit of over 35 years and represents a significant holding of the Morris/Trasov Archive. The colour bars are part of this research and at present are in the archive.
Endless Painting. The existing system of monochrome and spectrum variations can be deployed formally, or as random/chance arrangements; e.g., wind and water, light and shadow, in or out of urban, social, cultural landscapes, to explore and transform the colour bar units in as many media as possible through the expediency of reproducibility. The process is shared through collaboration, documentation, presentation in whole or in part from time to time along the road. The rainbow is a timeless departure point for the imagination. The physics of light and the perception of colour have engaged both artists and scientists.. The colour bar project grew out of informal collaborations in the late 1960’s between artists involved with the Intermedia movement in Vancouver and developed as a model for art and life experiments in the 1970’s. It remains a reference for continuing research.” - Michael Morris
The incredible image dump @ Field Notes continues (by Rick Silva).
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